About a year ago I noticed that the account @CurbYourLarryDavid started following me. As a huge fan of both Seinfeld and Curb I was absolutely stoked yet totally dumbfounded that this Larry David fan account with over 600k followers was into skateboarding. I also noticed that whenever they would comment on one of my posts my community was equally dumbfounded. So I thought it would be fun to take a look at the person behind the Larry mask and see just how down the rabbit hole with skating they were.
How long have you been a skateboarder/fan of skating?
About 27 years.
What came first? A love for Curb or skateboarding?
Skateboarding, as there was no Curb yet. There was Seinfeld though, but I can’t remember when I saw that for the first time. I’m from the Netherlands and tv shows back then weren’t airing at the same time as the US or even at all. It took a long time for US tv shows being sold to universal tv networks.
Do you think Larry David is down with skateboarding?
I like to believe he is. It’s like Seinfeld says to Chris Rock. To learn to do a skateboard trick, how many times do you have to get something wrong 'til you get it right. You learn how to do that trick, now you have a life lesson. How can anyone not respect that
Have you see Dennis Busenitz's 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Thunder Trucks edit from 2016? I didn't think anyone would ever actually skate to the theme song.
I did. And to refresh my memory I just did again. Love it. Especially the opening trick perfectly timed with the song like in the series and the opening scene
Gotta be the 90’s. Street skating at its finest. New brands coming up. The way everything looked. The skaters looked more natural to me if that makes any sense. The skaters today are super consistent which obviously is super hard but it makes it look less natural to me. And before people start hating on me for this comment, not ALL skaters of today are like this obviously, haha. Lots of sick new talent out there
Not really sure what my first skate video was but the first one on repeat was Trilogy. Oh man. Beautiful. I couldn’t figure out as a kid whether Ronnie Creager was goofy or regular. After that I found out about Mike Carroll and watched every part of him. When Modus [Operandi] came out I watched his part a million times.
Mike Carroll all day every day. Don’t you dare think about changing your avatar!
Still a tough one but gotta go with Curb. The first couple of seasons are just too good.
Also very hard to answer. Really love season 6 where Leon joins the gang. Great arch, but I also love season 7 where they kind of did a Seinfeld reunion. Brilliantly put together.
Ha! That’s funny I already mentioned that. I hadn’t read the questions up front. I totally agree with him. Most skaters I know are successful people. Most of them in creative businesses. But he really put it well into words and I never really looked at it like that, so when I saw that I was like YES, that’s beautiful. Those skateboarders are gonna be alright
I gotta go with Leon. Or maybe Richard Lewis could’ve been a great 80’s skater. Like a mix of dog town and then transferring into a the bones brigade dude.
What's your favorite skateboarding Instagram account? Can either be an actual skaters account or just an assorted skating/nostalgic account. You're not allowed to say mine, haha!
You’re doing a really good job by the way. Love it. Gotta say Jacob Rosenberg. He’s not posting a lot of skateboarding but when he does it is always amazing. Obviously he filmed some of the best guys in the late 80’s/early 90’s and every now and then he releases raw footage of Questionable or something. Fucking amazing. And he did go live a couple times and was just showing clips of the Plan B days and telling behind the scene stories. Super sick. Muckmouth is pretty good. We are about the same age I think so we grew up in the same area which is fun and we have the same taste in skating. Then there is Spanky which I love. With his weird edits. Always fun to watch. Oh and although I’m not a vert skater whatsoever, and I used to fast forward vert sections on videos, I really love Jimmy Wilkins. Man, he is smooth. I would trade all my tricks if I could just do his no-grab backside airs. Goddamn that must feel great. Damn, there are so many skaters out there. Too many accounts to mention!
Any last words for fans of both Curb, Larry David and skateboarding? Anything you have to promote?
Let’s hope the new season is good. Maybe a skate cameo in the season?? We’ll see. You keep posting skateboarding and keep skating! See ya!